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online education

Online learning is through the computer Internet, or through the mobile phone wireless network, in a network virtual classroom and classroom network teaching, learning way, is with the development of the Internet and the rise of time and place, no time and place restrictions, it is very convenient to use spare time to enrich and enhance their own knowledge。

  • Online learning platform
  • Online practice platform
  • Online examination platform
  • Mock examination platform
  • Question bank information platform
  • Error summary platform
  • Test paper group platform
  • Online marking platform
  • Online invigilation platform
  • System integrated platform

Enterprise purchase, sale and inventory

The purchase-sales-inventory system is to carry out the whole process of purchasing, shipping, wholesale sales and payment in the production and operation of enterprises (starting from the receipt of orders and contracts),A complete set of programs designed for material procurement, warehousing, receiving products from completion to warehousing, delivery, payment for goods, payment for raw materials, etc. Tracking (providing detailed and accurate data at each step) and management (effectively assisting enterprises to solve business problems in business management, distribution management, inventory management, implementation and monitoring of marketing plans, collection of statistical information, etc.)。

  • Inventory management
  • Purchasing management
  • Sales management
  • Supplier management
  • Finance center
  • Contract management
  • Report center

Enterprise CRM

Enterprise CRM refers to the process in which enterprises use corresponding information technology and Internet technology to coordinate the interaction between enterprises and customers in sales, marketing and service in order to improve their management methods and provide customers with innovative and personalized customer interaction and service。The ultimate goal is to attract new customers, retain old customers and convert existing customers into loyal customers to increase the market。

  • Customer data management
  • Contact management
  • Time management
  • Lead management
  • Sales management
  • Telemarketing management
  • Marketing management
  • Call center
  • Knowledge base management
  • Report management


E-government refers to the use of modern computer and network technology by government agencies,Transfer its management and service functions to the network,At the same time, the reorganization and optimization of government organizational structure and work flow are realized,Transcends the constraints of time, space and division,To provide the whole society with efficient and high-quality, standardized and transparent and all-round management and services。The goal of e-government platform is to establish a "one-stop" government service system through data sharing under the guarantee of advanced technology。

  • Openness of government affairs
  • Online service
  • Investment approval
  • Enterprise service
  • Interaction between the government and the people
  • Electronic surveillance
  • Public opinion management
  • Risk prevention and control

Office OA

Office OA system refers to the use of computer network technology to help enterprises achieve convenient, efficient, automatic efficiency。Office OA system automation is the trend of the development of modern society, because the work mode consumes most of the great material resources, or spends too much time dealing with some trivial and repetitive work, leading to low efficiency and less, and can not be better。

  • Personal office
  • Personnel management
  • Customer management
  • Information management
  • Asset management
  • File management
  • Contract management
  • File management
  • Work flow
  • Work plan
  • Attendance management
  • Conference management
  • Vehicle management

Smart tourism

Smart tourism is the use of new technologies such as cloud computing and the Internet of Things,Via Internet/mobile Internet,Internet access with portable terminal devices,Actively perceive tourism resources, tourism economy, tourism activities, tourists and other aspects of information,Timely release,Let people have access to this information in a timely manner,So as to achieve the effect of intelligent perception and convenient utilization of all kinds of tourism information。

  • Product management (routes, hotels, tickets, visas, car rentals, cruises)
  • Roll verification
  • Scenic area management
  • Product reservation
  • Order management
  • OTA platform docking
  • Guide management
  • Leader management
  • Membership management
  • Point management
  • Call center
  • Supplier management
  • Distributor management
  • Advertising management
  • Activity management
  • Report management

Mall system

Mall system is also called online mall system, is a complete online shopping system, mainly for online sales and online shopping services。With the development and maturity of the Internet, the establishment of the online mall system can help enterprises integrate the existing business systems, concentrate superior resources to provide customers with personalized services, and create a good revenue channel for enterprises。

  • Commodity management
  • Order management
  • Commodity promotion
  • Payment method
  • Distribution mode
  • Membership module
  • Administrator module
  • Network management
  • Data statistics
  • Authority management

Logistics system

Logistics software refers to the information system used by the logistics enterprise or the logistics department of the enterprise。With the development of Internet technology and the maturity of application software, it is a completely innovative software application model that began to rise in the 21st century。

  • Customer management
  • Order management
  • Warehouse management
  • Vehicle management
  • Driver management
  • Product information management
  • Route optimization
  • Transportation management
  • Distribution management
  • Cargo tracking management
  • Return management
  • Data statistics